
Our everyday thoughts are presented here Music, video presentations, photo-shootings and more.
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    Anne Mélan @ TROC’N’BROL

    Silkscreen print on Troc’N’Brol’s exposition for exchange deals in 2014. See more in ART.

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    A collective exposition of 14 young artists in Galerie Konschthaus beim Engel showing illustrative and graphic works. This very mixed expo was organised by one of the artists Sascha Di Giambatista who plans a similar expo for the end of 2016. See more in ART.

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    Anne Mélan for GENERATION ART by RTL

    TV show Generation Art by RTL Vanitas Vanitatum, Installation by Jill Bettendorf & Anne Mélan, 2014. See the show here. As a guest in the second edition of RTL’s artshow Generation Art, Anne Mélan was invited to collaborate with one of the candidates on the theme of Vanitas Vanitatum. A volatile installation of a lettering on a…

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    In 2014 the Mierscher Kulturhaus, a house of all cultural activity, celebrates their 10th birthday. Due to this event they make a present of 500 totebags with a silksscreen print designed by Anne Mélan to their most loyal visitors. According to their slogan Kultur am Carré the visual combines music, dance, theater and art in a…

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    Anne Mélan for STITCH LUXEMBOURG

    Logo Design for a premium fashion store in Luxembourg city. See more in ADVERTISING.

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    Anne Mélan for POST LUXEMBOURG

    POST Philately pays tribute to the Fédération des Sociétés philatéliques du Luxembourg (Federation of Luxembourg’s philately societies) with the issue of a miniature sheet of stamps made of natural silk. The top layer of the paper contains 30g of silk per square meter providing a silky effect. Anne Mélan is lucky to design the stamp sheet…

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    Anne Mélan for EXTRABOLD

    Christmas vitrine illustration for Extrabold, a popular street fashion store in Luxembourg downtown. See more in ADVERTISING.

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    Anne Mélan for KREMART

    Anne Mélan created 10 illustrations with pastel on paper for a children’s book called Mammendaag talking about children living with homosexual parents. The book is written by Christiane Kremer who is also one of the three founding members of Kremart Edition by which the book was published. See more in ADVERTISING.

  • Image Post

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    During the workshop MYSPACE organised by Lycée Classique de Diekirch a group of 12 scholars work on black and white Selfportraits.  These illustrations are exposed in the school and are also used to do the flyer to promote the expo and a silkscreen Poster which both are done by Anne Mélan.